The Hiatus

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hello readers! I have had a quiet month or so. I have needed it to recharge and strategize as to a more firm direction for this blog. Not that there wasn't a direction before; I think that the aspects of my life that I have written about have been well received. And really, when I set out to blog in the first place, that's all that I had in mind at the time. But there has been a stirring in me, a longing for more. I have needed time to figure out a bit more about it.

I have made a few decisions. The biggest is that I probably won't be writing as often as I once thought I would/could. I want to write quality posts about real things. I feel that there have been a couple times when I have forced myself to think about something slightly profound so that I could post several days in a row. That is inauthentic, and authenticity is something that I crave. If I truly allowing you, the reader, into my space with some small window into my life, it will at least be real and authentic. I have gone through some old posts, deleted a couple that were generally unnecessary, and will go forward from here.

Yes, I still dream of one day writing to assist in the awakening and healing of abuse victims, or something like that. Actually, God has given me some really amazing opportunities to speak into the lives of others through my story on. One of my upcoming opportunities will be on a larger scale, in my home church! I am so extremely excited about this, but I will talk more about it later.

I am also thinking about starting a music blog, posting some videos and speaking more to my life as a musician as I try and "make it". What does that look like? How will I know when I am there? What's the next steps? That idea is still incubating.

Basically, I am not dead, and I am not done writing. But as I get busier I am learning that I need to set aside time for this, just like anything else. There was a recent policy put into place at work about blog sites; we aren't allowed to access them at work anymore...that's probably my doing, haha! But I hope that what I am able to share with you is well-received, and that you find encouragement from it. Stay tuned for some slightly less regular, but hopefully higher quality posts in the near future!