Good vs. Evil

Thursday, February 3, 2011

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This may be a controversial subject, more so than most that I have written about. But I wonder what you think. Do you think that humans are fundamentally good or evil?

This is something that has come up in one way or another several times in the past while. I have seen it talked about or mentioned on forums, and I have read articles and scientific studies about the brain and different brain centres that are present in a normal well-rounded adult versus those that are perhaps malfunctioning or missing in criminals. Most people that I talk to, or who have made mention of their opinion regarding this have stated that they believe that people are fundamentally good. They believe that humans are full of good intent, and that they basis of their being is goodness. I'm not sure that I agree.

Love this baby
I read an article a several months ago about a scientific study done with babies. Behavioral experts found that babies can start lying as early as six months old using fake crying and laughing to get attention. By eight months old, infants start to conceal forbidden activities and distracting parents attention. You can read the article here. This goes against everything that society would love to believe about children; that they are innocent and without fault, and it is the world or their parents that corrupt them, causing them to fall. For a long time, I believed this too, but buying into that mindset goes against what I believe as a Christian.

I'm not trying to throw the Bible at you, or convince you (if you don't share my belief system) that you are wrong. This is one of those things that people need to think about and decide for themselves. But I believe that every human, regardless of age, is in need to the grace and mercy of God, because no human is perfect.

I think that if we were fundamentally good and without fault, lying or deceit would not be our first line of defence when we feel cornered, and are doing something that we shouldn't. I think back to being a kid. I lied all the time. And not always little lies. Whenever I knew I was doing something I shouldn't I would lie. Or think about young kids even. If you catch a three year old drawing on the walls and ask him if he did it, he'll say no even if he is still holding on to the markers. Perhaps not all children are like this, but I have never come across one who's first instinct is honesty over a self-preserving attempt at deceit.

Maybe you have a different opinion. You are welcome to share it. In fact, I welcome it, but please do not do so anonymously. All I ask is that you at least attach a name to your comment.



Christine said...

I agree. I think people tend towards evil than good. It is definitely about self preservation. I used to lie all the time, and still find myself telling little lies to get out of things. It's still hard to accept that we are imperfect, and usually use evil tactics to save ourselves or others from seeing the truth.

Unknown said...

Kids are evil. Especially English ones. That's why they are always in horror movies.
But seriously. The things kids say to each other in school are downright evil

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