Cover Letter

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

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Dear internet readers,

A tattoo of my life word
 Love drives me. Music feeds me. My husband breathes life into me. My family is my passion. My friendships are sacred. My heart is usually broken. My life is an example of courage. I hope my life will also be an example of Godly justice. 

I am a gifted writer, except when it's stream of consciousness; then it gets messy and confusing. I write what I want, state where I am at; what hurts, what brings me joy, what fulfills me and what makes me feel empty.

I live my dreams every day. Some days my dreams are extravagant and bigger than words, and other days I dream only of eating chocolate, so I do. I love words. Words are an art. Art is beautiful, and expresses things that I can't because words don't suffice. 

These are the things that I love. I am about authenticity and honesty. I am excited to share what I am learning with you, my friends.



Bree said...

And I'm excited to hear about it! :)

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