Starbucks Gold Card

Thursday, October 28, 2010

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My coveted Gold Card
I got my Starbucks gold card in the mail this week. It was exciting! I opened up the note that enclosed my designer Starbucks card and read how much I am appreciated by Starbucks for being such a loyal, registered client, and the next day I went out and put a balance on it. I am 17 drinks away from automatic renewel of my gold star status for another year! Exciting!

It's weird how something so trivial made me feel so important. It's just a card with my name on it, it's not like it's made of real gold. But being recognised as not just a customer but a valued client made me feel good. It doesn't matter to me that the only reason I have reached that point is because I get Starbucks nearly every day; I would regardless of whether or not I had a Starbucks card. Maybe it's a free rewards, maybe it's the free birthday drinks, and free drink every 15 stars (stars = purchases). But maybe it's just because I feel important. Maybe it's the odd pleasure I get from not just passing on any old card to my barrista, but my gold card with my name on it and everything!

You're probably thinking that I'm crazy by now. You may be right. But I think the point is this: people love to made to feel important. I love feeling like I am single-handedly keeping my local Brittania Plaza starbucks afloat, and then getting a card that recognises my patronage. My husband loves it when I tell him that he is a great provider, and I couldn't be where I am today without him. People love knowing that they are respected by their significant others, their colleagues, their friends, and their families. We all love feeling as if we are performing an important service for someone, whether it be paying for dinner, bringing home a pay cheque, or cleaning the house.

So do just that. Make the people that you love feel important and respected. Tell them, write to them, do things for them without them asking, speak to them in whatever love language they resonate with. You will be rewarded greatly.



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