Best Saturday

Monday, December 13, 2010

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I had the greatest possible Saturday in the history of life this past weekend. Well, second only to my wedding day, I suppose, but that day was so full of formalities that it became very tiresome, very quickly. So, in the history of Saturdays in my whole life, minus my wedding day, this past Saturday was the best one yet.

It was a packed day, and had a stressful start, but by the end of the day it was amazing. The day started with a rehearsal at church for a Christmas concert for Sunday the 19th. Every single rehearsal has been the bane of my existence. I find them very tiring and I lose patience quickly. I wouldn't if some of the people that were there were diligent in knowing their parts before coming, but maybe I expect to much (not).

Then I had to find boots. Not winter boots, that would be easy. I wanted over the knee leather boots to complete my gig outfit. I finally found a pair that met my budget and was off to sound check. I didn't need to be overly involved in sound check, as I was just checking a couple tunes, but the tension was palpable and the time restrictions were getting to everyone. We got a few hours off between the sound check and the gig, and then it was show time. And man, what a show!

I had the awesome privilege of playing with some of the most talented people in Calgary. It was amazing. To have a group of like-minded individuals come together and perform to their strengths for hours is probably the greatest thing to witness and be part of. Every performer and every guest had a great time, and you could tell. The atmosphere was amazing, the bar was open, and the music was excellent. I think that every musician walked away feeling fulfilled and hungry for another gig with the same exact group of people. I haven't had many better performance experiences. Actually, scratch that; that was definitely the best performance experience I have had thus far.

It was so natural and exciting. I love getting in front of a crowd of people and performing. It's the greatest feeling. And to get to perform with that group of amazing people, with that group of friends...there isn't anything better for me right now.



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