100 Things: Get To Know Me Edition

Thursday, December 2, 2010

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Here are 100 things you may not know about me, and I may not otherwise admit.

1. When I was a kid, I had a terrible nightmare. It haunted me for years, and because of it I would often jump on and off my bed if my bedroom was dark because I feared being dragged under. I still do it sometimes.

2. My favourite food is popcorn. But not the microwave stuff, I like making it on the stove and seasoning it myself. If I could have popcorn every single day I would be a happy girl.

3. My favourite snack, though, is still Salt and Vinegar chips...not to be confused with favourite food.

4. I like using big words. They make me feel intelligent.

5. I love reality television, and could easily spend an entire weekend watching one trashy show after another.

6. I hate the idea of being so famous that I am stalked by the paparazzi, but I love the idea of being on TMZ (for a good reason, not a crotch shot reason). That is my favourite celebrity entertainment show.

7. When I am doing a cover show, I watch performances by some of the artists that I am covering to try and emulate them in some way. It's my way of paying homage.

8. Fingernails on a chalkboard has got to be the worst sound. My tongue feels like it will curl up into itself and choke me.

9. I don't like saunas or steam rooms because I feel like I might suffocate. But I want to try and get into hot yoga, so I can have a hot yoga body.

10. My favourite game in the world is Dutch Blitz, although other speed games are also in the running.

11. I enjoy staying home and having friends over, rather than going to a friend's house or going out somewhere.

12. I am a professional procrastinator. In fact, most of my blogs are written at work, so you could say that I am paid to blog.

13. I am also a professional mall-walker. If you have ever lived anywhere that has a high traffic mall, then you know what I'm talking about. I'm one of those people who shoot the gap and walk really quickly. Keeps my thighs in shape.

14. I am a mild road rager, meaning I will tell drivers off in a sing song voice if they are doing it wrong. I also gave someone the finger once, but it was a total reflex and I immediately regretted it, and honestly have no idea why that was how I chose to react.

15. I am a sore loser. My husband and I went on vacation with our best friends this summer, and when my girl friend and I were playing card games she kept beating me. I had to stop because I couldn't handle it.

16. I love roller coasters. I would love to go to a huge amusement park every year to ride them.

17. I wish the world of Harry Potter were real. I love the idea of magic and potions and photos of people that move and letter by owl. It seems so awesome.

18. Every time I experience an instance of deja vu, I say to myself "there is a glitch in the Matrix!"

19. If I had the budget and no bad debt, I would buy new clothes every week. I love shoes and cute tops, and love wearing new things.

20. I try to take towels out of the dryer as soon as they are done so that I can wrap up in the warmth.

21. My favourite colour is red, but I don't like wearing red. I think it makes me look funny.

22. I really love my hair. I often go into places and think "yup, definitely have the coolest hair here."

23. I'm not as vain as I make myself sound. I am actually extremely self-conscious.

24. Makeup is my newest obsession, and Sephora enables my habit. I go in once or twice a month just to try things out, maybe buy a new brush or lip colour, and then leave and dream about all the makeup I could have.

25. I love getting letters in the mail, and hate that I never get around to writing them to people myself. 

26. I love wine, and if it were socially acceptable I would have a glass with most meals.

27. I am allergic to chocolate. I used to get chronic migraines in high school, and then one day realized that chocolate is the trigger. It was a sad day, but sweets were quickly replaced with my favourite snack.

28. I am also allergic to shrimp, and get stomach aches when I eat it. But I eat it anyway if it's around, because I love it.

29. I don't like trying new foods. I am very particular about what I eat. I am partial to certain flavours, and can't really handle spicy foods, so I generally play it safe when going out to eat.

30. My favourite chain restaurant is the Olive Garden. I could eat there every single day and never grow tired of the salad.

31. I love penguins, and have a small collection of stuffies in my bedroom. My husband also proposed to me with a penguin from build a bear.

32. I don't like cats. They shed and are moody and walk all over counters and tables, which I find disgusting.

33. When looking at show homes, I pay the most attention to the kitchen and bathrooms. If I don't like them, I write off the entire home.

34. I'm a terrible gift giver. I have a hard time shopping for other people, and generally buy gift cards or give cash.

35. I love bottled/filtered water. I drink around 3 litres a day.

36. My favourite sport to play is Ultimate Frisbee. I want to join a league, but I don't think that I could commit a bunch of time to it, so I am content with a pickup game here and there.

37. My favourite game to watch is hockey. True Canadian, right here.

38. I call my father-in-law dad, and my own father by his first name.

39. My friends and I go robogganing, which is tobogganing in the summer after it rains. It's so fun!

40. I love "that's what she said" jokes. I think they are the funniest thing in the world, although "yo mama" jokes are a close second.

41. I wish I could act. I am a terrible actress though. 

42. I have texted in my sleep.

43. I don't like talking on the phone. I much prefer an email or a text message that I can respond to at my leisure.

44. I don't like it when I am expected to be funny. I have a good sense of humour, and generally am good at keeping people laughing, but I hate it when people gawk at me like I'm a monkey, giving me the "say something funny" look.

45. I am generally bored. I am like an ADD kid that needs to be kept occupied all the time or I get annoying. Maybe I am ADD.

46. I am a perfectionist. My office space is immaculate, and everything in my house has a specific place.

47. I am slightly OCD. I have very particular methods for certain things, and am uncomfortable if for some reason I need to do them differently.

48. I am the furthest thing from a morning person possible. I would wake up every day at noon and then stay awake late every night if I could.

49. I wanted to be a forensic scientist for six years, and then decided that it wasn't for me.

50. I am a jealous person. I would have a hard time if my husband had a lot of female friends, or was friends with his exes.

51. I have a lot of guy friends and am friends with a couple exes. Double standard, I know. I am full of them.

52. I am a bad liar. So much so, that my husband is not allowed to guess what his gifts are because I couldn't lie to him if he got it right.

53. Grocery shopping has got to be my absolute least favourite household chore. I hate it with a passion, and I tell my husband how much I dislike it every time we go.

54. I have never had long hair. It's really fine and thin, and I don't think it would look good, but I've never really tried it either.

55. When I was a kid, I looked like a boy, and my father's co-workers referred to me as the other son.

56. My first kiss was when I was 15. It sucked.

57. I have two tattoos. One on my rib cage that says courage, and the other behind my right ear is the initials of my husband and siblings, whom I love the most.

58. All of my most embarrassing moments were when I was younger in school. One of them, no one knows except for one person, and I prefer it stay like that.

59. I go through phases where I never want to have kids, and then back to thinking that they are a novel idea, but I'm not going to be ready for that for many MANY years.

60. White water rafting is one of the most fun things I have ever done. I want to go again!

61. My favourite place in the world is the mountains. I haven't been everywhere, but even if I had I think the mountains would still end up on top of the list.

62. I don't handle change very well. Moving cities was one of the biggest and hardest changes I have ever had to go through. It was worth it, but I don't think I would want to do it again any time soon.

63. I once left a banana in a lunch bag in my bedroom for basically an entire summer. I got in so much trouble once the source of all the fruit flies was found under a bunch of crap, and hundreds flew around our normally bug free house.

64. My dog was my best friend while growing up. She knows all my secrets.

65. I love to dance but am terrible at it.

66. I would seriously consider plastic surgery. 

67. I am very financially disciplined, which is odd because my parents are not.

68. The best thing my husband can give me is his time.

67. Christmas is my least favourite holiday. Although, now that my husband and I have a few traditions of our own, I am starting to like it more. We build a Lego thing every Christmas Eve and it's awesome.

68. I don't like wearing socks. My feet could be cold as ice and I still won't wear them. I also would walk through snow in flats without wearing socks on the way to school or work.

69. I didn't get my driver's license until I was 19, and probably wouldn't have if I hadn't met my husband, who lived in another city at the time.

70. I really don't like it when someone finds out that I sing and demands that I show them. I am not a dog, I don't do tricks on command.

71. I saved myself for my husband, and he did for me. God really protected us.

72. I met my best friend when her and her husband started dating. We got close right after I got married, but I wish it was sooner. I would have put her in my bridal party for sure!

73. I love weddings, except for weddings with no dance. I need to get my groove on.

74. I am more and more like my mom each day, and it's not terrible. I just take the good parts and leave what I don't like.

75. I love biology. If I weren't a musician I would probably be a high school biology teacher.

76. I am a brand snob for some things, but for others I don't care at all. For example, I only use salon hair products, and will spend upwards of 30 dollars on a bottle of shampoo. I also buy brand name jeans (I can thank my husband for that one) and brand name makeup products. But I don't care about where I get my shoes and shirts from.

77. I speed all the time when I am driving. I'm not a wreckless driver, I just like to go fast, and now that I drive a standard I feel like a racecar driver sometimes. I have been pulled over once, but I don't think that I really deserved it that time. Luckily, it was in BC, and if the BC government doesn't report the incidence to the AB government, it won't show up on my driving record.

78. I love tax season. I have been getting organized for it for a couple months now, because I love organizing and filing and stuff. And I have estimated our return a couple times, and it is going to be stellar.

79. I feel like I sweat more than the average girl and I am embarrassed about it.

80. I once played Hide and Seek in cars with a few friends at two in the morning in the middle of winter. We were bored, and decided it would be fun to hide and then give the other people clues as to where we were in the neighborhood. It was awesome.

81. My favourite song is Can't Stop Thinkin 'Bout You by Martin Sexton. It has been my favourite song for at least four years.

82. I once stared at a girl on the bus for the entire ride because she was so strikingly beautiful. Luckily, she didn't notice me. She was one of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen in my life, and I couldn't help but look and be in awe.

83. I often dream about selling everything and travelling with my husband. I think there is something romantic about the prospect of not having anything but the money in our pockets and the clothes on our back and each other.

84. I don't know what I would do without Starbucks. My venti soy sugar-free vanilla berry blossom tea misto is a comfort food, and I have one almost every day.

85. I don't drink coffee. I used to, much more than I should have, but now I have one latte from Phil and Sebastian's every weekend with my husband and that's it. And if their lattes weren't so fricken amazing, I wouldn't drink coffee at all.

86. I stay away from dark pop unless I am drinking a spiced rum and coke.

87. I don't work well with other people who have strong opinions. I have a dominant personality and have trouble giving up control to other dominant personalities.

88. I could live without pizza, but not without pizza pops.

89. Most movies that everyone has seen at least once I have never watched. I have never seen Forest Gump, Titanic, or Breakfast At Tiffany's, just to name a few.

90. I am most self-conscious about my height. If I were just a few inches shorter, that would be ideal.

91. My favourite concerts to go to are smaller shows. I went to see Pablo Discobar, an Australian funk band, in 2007 and it was amazing. And then I saw Mute Math a few months later, and that has got to top the list of best shows I have ever seen.

92. I have a really funny idea for when the next election time rolls around, but I don't tell many people because I don't want them to steal my idea.

93. I love reading the newspaper. The National Post is my favourite one for sure.

94. I feel guilty after spending money on myself. I bought a few shirts and some work pants recently, and spent over 200 dollars, and felt really bad about it even though we had the money and I needed clothes. I don't know why. But, I don't hesistate to spend money on other people.

95. I was never allowed to go Trick Or Treating when I was a kid, and I really feel like I missed out on a part of childhood because of it.

96. My brother and I would make up songs in our basement when we were really young, most prominently about Dick Tracy. I have no idea why we chose him.

97. I find my mom hilarious when she is really mad, because she says the funniest things without knowing it. She has gotten upset with me a few times for laughing at her while she's mad about something, but she's just so darn funny.

98. My best friends are like family. Save for my siblings, whom I would do anything for and give any amout of time to, I would rather spend time with friends than with relatives. If I saw my family (grandparents, in-laws, aunts and uncles) two or three times a year, that would be enough for me.

99. I believe in ghosts, and I think the people who try to channel and communicate with spirits are idiots.

100. I believe world peace is impossible, but still wish for it.



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