My Driving Rant

Monday, January 10, 2011

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I have a love/hate relationship with driving. It soothes me, relaxes me, and I used to go driving to calm down when upset or angry. While it's not a crutch any longer, and I am much better at facing the things that I should when I should, I still enjoy it a lot. I like the control, the power. I accelerate quickly, brake softly, shift rapidly, obey as many rules of the road as possible (except the speed limit), and try to be as efficient with my commute as possible. It's like a game for me. I like finding the shortest routes, I observe traffic patterns and take note of the fastest moving lanes for different parts of the city at different times of day. It makes me a terrible back seat driver; I am constantly giving suggestions or pointing out the times my husband doesn't signal to change lanes, and he hates it (I'm working on it). But I feel like I'm good at it. I'm a good driver. I'm aware and courteous, but don't piss me off.

The open road in the Z
Two days ago, my husband and I were going to Cochrane to get his hair cut. About halfway through the drive, the highway goes from a divided highway to two lanes. On this particular day, everyone was taking it a bit slower than usual. There was blowing snow, and in places it was nearly white out conditions. Then, before Cochrane, there is the huge hill deemed the Cochrane hill (we are so creative). The speed limit on this stretch is 80 km, and the wind had cleared up a bit by the time we reached the hill. We were coming around a bend right before the hill and in the meantime, there was a guy in some sort of station wagon-like vehicle looking to turn right to go down the hill at the bend. He clearly could see that we were coming around the corner of the one lane highway at a quick pace, and could have easily deduced that he would not have enough time to get up to speed before we would have to hit the brakes to keep from smashing up his rear. He pulled out in front anyway. Luckily, there was a turning lane right beside him that we pulled into, and we passed him. Clearly he is an idiot, and if there were a collision he would have been at fault As we were passing him, he lifted his gloved hand and gave my husband and I the finger. Seriously?

I was so mad. I called him a douche maybe twenty times in the next five minutes because I couldn't believe that he had the gumption do that when he was the one who made the bad decision. We weren't speeding, we were barely doing the speed limit, and some entitled idiot decided to pull out in front. It wasn't a merge lane, we had the right of way, and because of his retarded maneuver my husband needed to do some quick thinking to prevent us from hitting the brakes and either fish tailing or slamming into him. I got over it eventually, but for real, that's not cool.

And then this morning. The roads are crummy. There has been a lot of blowing snow in Calgary, and some new snow fall as well, so the roads are icy and everyone is taking it slow. There are some poorly planned roadways in this busy city, and many merge lanes. At one point in my commute, there is an open lane to my right and to the right of that one is a lane that ends so one must merge. This woman in a Dodge Caravan beside me (don't get me started on people who drive a Dodge) was adamant about not letting this other guy in. He was about to inch his way in front of her and she swerved out of her lane, nearly into my car, and prevented him from getting in. I have no idea who did what to her cereal this morning, but she was some middle-aged blonde soccer mom type who was on a mission to be the most impolite driver on the road this morning. When she pulled out in the front of him she was clearly upset, and quickly flipped him the bird. I was in shock. The guy rolled down his window and started yelling at her from his car, and she just shook her head and ignored him. I couldn't believe it. Now, there have been times when I have chosen not to let someone in for various reasons, and there was one time when my husband and I both did a similar thing where we moved out in front of someone in an effort to have them wait. But never in a commute when clearly the merge lane is ending and people need to be let in. That's just ridiculous.

Add this to my laundry list of other crappy driving habits, and it makes for a very frustrating drive at times. For example, if I let you in, I expect and watch for a wave. And if there is snow on the rear window, then I look for blinking hazards to indicate that that driver acknowledges the courtesy. I nearly always wave. Also, on the highway, if you are moving slower than others, you should be in the right lane. And if someone comes up behind you in the left lane looking to pass, then the slower person should move over. Not only are there signs everywhere that say "slower traffic keep right", but it's just common sense. But as my mom would say, common sense isn't so common.

Attention drivers: STOP BEING SO STUPID. Go and read your leaner's license test book again if you are sketchy on the details, or maybe re-take the test. The world will be a better place if you do. Thanks.



Ashalee said...

omg...I seriously feel like I have road rage sometimes, and then I just remember my intolerance for stupid people. Yo momma is right, common sense isn't so common. That is sad!!

Stephanie P said...

I know right?! I can't stand it!!

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